■開催日時 / Event Information
2018 September 17th (Monday・Holiday) 10am-4pm
*Our event will be held rain or shine (In the event of a typhoon or
other extreme weather, we may cancel)
■会場 / Event Information
Sendai International Center (Sendai City Aoba-ku Aobayama)
■開催目的 / Event Purpose
① To empower groups that focus on international exchange, international cooperation and multiculturalism and to encourage
② To support new generations of volunteers who help at the World Festa
③ To promote international exchange, international cooperation and multiculturalism
④ To bring attention to issues like human rights, poverty, peace efforts, and the environment to create a better world
■事務局 / Contact
〒980-0804 宮城県仙台市青葉区大町2丁目2-10
TEL: 022-268-6260 FAX: 022-268-6251
E-mail: senfesinfo*gmail.com
Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA)
981-0804 Sendai-shi Aoba-ku Omachi 2-2-10
Sendai Aoba Wing Building A 11th floor
Telephone number: 022-268-6260 Fax number: 022-268-6252
E-mail: senfesinfo*gmail.com (Replace the * with an @)
■入場無料 / Entrance is free
今年のテーマは、「文化を越えて 国境を越えて 私たちはひとつ Across Cultures. Beyond Borders. We are still one !」。
Sendai World Festa is an event that is held in Sendai International Center and combines the knowledge of international groups that focus on grass-roots international exchange, cooperation, and internationalization to create connections between people and create a space to encourage sharing of international culture. Every year there are about 60 groups who participate and we have many volunteers who help make the World Festa a success.
It is a day to experience many cultures and ways of life all at once. We hope to see you there!
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